Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No Guts No Glory....but....

   This is a follow up to my "No Guts No Glory" blog a few days ago regarding the morning tofu smoothie from the wet market.  I've learned since that drink is called do fu hua which translates as tofu pudding.  I also smelled the bottles they were using this morning when I went to get breakfast and the liquids can be confirmed as chili oil, vinegar and some liquid I can't identify.  Its not soy sauce as I had originally guessed.  Anyway, after the blog posted some people asked about the other food items I'm still leery to try.  That list would have to include chicken/duck heads (fried/boiled, in sauce, all kinds), chicken feet, pork trotters, these piles of mystery meat I can't identify and this special delicacy Bri read about recently.  This one really sounds like something boys would make up and dare someone to eat, not something people enjoy as a delicacy.  To each his own I suppose....

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