Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh yeah, we're in China

The title of this blog has come to be a common thought that enters our mind every once in while.  Our lives as foreigners in this city have been surprisingly easy to adapt to in most ways.  It isn't hard to get around town and even when trying to communicate, there is usually a chinese person around who at least understands enough english to translate your point or question for you.  I'm sure this is due to the size of the city and probably also to the areas we've spent time in so far.  If we were visiting rural China I'm sure the simple things would be much more tedious.  That said, just when you start to get a little comfortable and begin to forget where you are something happens to remind you that you are not in Kansas (or Eastern Colorado) anymore.

This was an "Oh year, we're in China" moment as I'll start referring to them.  We saw this Sunday as we shopped at Carrefour.  The heads and the feet are delicacies here so why would they take those off?

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