Wednesday, July 27, 2011

100 pounds!

Mission this week; pack.
     This week we must get packed for our trip. Many people have asked us what we are going to pack and my standard answer has been ‘not much’. We each get 100 pounds of stuff to pack plus our carry-ons. Matt likes to tell people that when we went on our honeymoon I packed 65 lbs in 1 bag. So my question has been, how do I pack for 5 months with 100 lbs?
     We have researched what we can purchase when we get there. It seems we will need to take all western medication that we will need, warm and cool clothes and a hodge podge of artifacts from our lives. I read that women with hips have a hard time finding pants so…… I may be looking homeless by December with holes in all my work clothes. Matt wears size 12 shoes and one blog that I read said that any size over 12 is “gigantic.” Matt’s shoes could take up a whole lot of our allotted weight.
     When I start to get anxious about this process, I pour my energy into thinking about how I can get optimum sleep on the plane. I have purchased two different devices for this purpose and I hope to sleep sleep sleep. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Maybe I should spend some time praying for the person that will sit next to us on the plane because that can make a huge difference in traveling comfort.

1 comment:

  1. Your hips comment made me giggle :). I miss you already!
