Tuesday, December 10, 2013

We need to look on the bright side...

On the subject of smog, maybe we are looking at it all wrong...


Friday, December 6, 2013

Record smog in Shanghai

Record smog levels make for unique sunrises. At least we still have daylight.... Looking forward to blue skies at home in a few weeks.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Potty Training

As parents to be Bri and I are going to make a lot of parenting decisions.  I don't see this decision being one of them.

Article Link

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pregnant in China

Being pregnant in China is a constant source of amusement for me.  I have a few stories for you that I think you will think is funny as well. 

-Many Chinese women will touch my belly and tell me if I am having a boy or girl.  I found this much more entertaining before we knew it was a boy.  When I ask them how they know they will say things like ‘because boy you stay pretty, girl make you ugly’  Well… thanks for guessing a girl then random stranger. 

-There have been several instances when I have asked for a cold drink and I get a disapproving look or even argued with.  Culturally they believe in large part that anything cold is not good for the baby or pregnant woman.  So far I have experienced no ill effects from a cold drink that I can tell.  I have even been at restaurants and they bring me a warm mug of water before I order anything else, this is a very kind gesture but it would be more appreciated if it wasn’t 80 degrees out and I wasn’t sweating from walking to the restaurant. 

-Radiation is another big concern for Chinese people when it comes to pregnancy.  I was getting a massage a few weeks ago and the masseuse moved my phone (which was plugged into ear phones which I was listening to) away from my belly and then told me that the phone was bad for bao bao (baby) Um.. Thanks lady but I think I'll take my chances, but if you want to ask the receptionist to stop smoking that would be a welcome improvement. 

 Radiation is such a concern to pregnant people that it is not uncommon to see a woman sporting one of these, a maternity radiation vest.

-I know that I dress differently than the typical pregnant Chinese woman which means that I wear clothes that show that I am pregnant. This is nothing that any American women wouldn’t do.  Basically I just wear clothes that show that I have legs.  Pregnant Chinese women favor a more 1950’s Mumu tent style.  This is the only explanation I have to try and explain the need for Chinese women to look at my pregnant body.  It is not uncommon to be out in my neighborhood and to see a local completely stop in her tracks to watch me walk by.  I wish I could say that I sweetly smile at them and move on my way but I get a bit irritated at the gawking so I often choose to stare back.  Unfortunately, I usually lose these staring contests and move on my way. 

What I find so funny about the special treatment is in other ways they do not find the need to provide any accommodation.  People still smoke in my face, nearly run me over on the street, cab drivers still kick me out early if they don’t want to turn around on a busy street.  So I decided to do an experiment, when we were last on the Metro I stood in front of the person occupying the ‘courtesy seat’ you know, the one with the picture of the old person with a cane, the physically handicapped person, and the pregnant lady.  I wanted Matt to capture the audacity of the person that remained in the seat.  Instead, the young man tapped politely on my bag and offered me the seat.  Humble pie never tasted so good. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chinese Fireworks

One of the few facts about China I remember growing up was it was the civilization that discovered gun powder.  Many of the fireworks we buy in the US are made in China still today.

Fireworks are still very popular here today.  I've heard fireworks in rural towns and in Shanghai.  A few weeks back Bri and I were sitting in our living room on a Saturday morning discussing our weekend plans.  It was nice outside so we had the windows open.  Suddenly I heard a bang like our refrigerator had fallen over in the kitchen. I jumped and wandered into the kitchen looking for signs of something that had fallen.  Bri was laughing because she knew...someone was shooting fireworks off.  Soon another loud bang followed and I figured out that someone was launching loud firecrackers and they were exploding only about 40 yards away and about the same height of our 10th floor apartment.

So why the firecrackers any time and any day?  They're used to scare off bad spirits on birthdays, weddings or when moving into a new apartment.  I had a lesson interrupted in class a couple weeks ago  when it sounded like an assault team was entering the school gates facing heavy resistance.  My students were shocked and joined me in investigating the situation.  Luckily I have a nice amount of windows in my class and we were able to see the situation clearly. Someone was moving in to an apartment but before they would start unloading the furniture they had to scare away all of the bad spirits.  So whenever you buy a new car or house remember to make a ruckus before moving in to rid the space of whatever unwanted spirits may be lingering.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Don't ask why....

We don't know why they decided to brick in the window but they did.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mid-Autumn Festival

This past week we did not have school on Thursday for the Mid- Autumn Festival which is regarded as the second most important festival in China after the Chinese New Year. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month according to Chinese Lunar calendar, which is the exact midst of autumn. The festival is an evening celebration when families gather together to light lanterns, eat moon cakes and appreciate the round moon. At night, the moon appears to be at its roundest and brightest, an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. The full moon is also a symbol for family reunion, which is why that day is also known as the Festival of Reunion. Those who cannot return home watch the bright moon and feel deep longing for their loved ones.

Anyway, the moon was beautiful and Thursday was great. Friday teachers and students felt odd because the day felt like a Monday and a Friday!  Holidays here are much like home as far as the quietness of the city.  Many shops close and there are less cars on the street.  As with many holidays here there are peculiar ways of awarding vacation days by the government.  For this festival most workers had Thursday, Friday and Saturday off but were back to work on Sunday.  As I went for a run before 7am this morning I was shocked to see kids in uniforms going to school and the traffic packed like a weekday.  Shocked until I remembered what a day off must cost this economy from the governments perspective.  So there is a chinese vacation for the second biggest holiday, three days off and then back to work for 6 in a row!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Full Time Ayi

We knew when we found out that we were expecting that finding the perfect Ayi was very important.  I may be what you call ‘particular’ when it comes to certain matters in my life and I feel that the care provided for my child will be no exception.  There was a couple that worked at our school that were leaving Shanghai for Moscow last spring with their 6-year-old daughter.  Their Ayi had been with them since their daughter was born and they were looking for a couple to ‘adopt’ their Ayi who had grown to be a part of their family.  When I approached them they were relieved to hear that we were looking.  We met Xiao Ma (Shao-Ma) and we had a good feeling, so we decided to hire her.  The only catch was that she would be full time from August because she didn’t want there to be a gap in paychecks.  So when we arrived back here on August 5th she had already put in 40ish hours of work. 
We noticed that there were a few items that weren’t ours in the apartment, some books, some kitchen items and other random things.  I assumed that Xiao Ma’s previous family just asked her to bring them over and that they were things they didn’t want to take to Russia with them.  Then our friend Adriana arrived back from the states and asked for her stuff that we stored for her over the summer….. ooops. I found Adriana’s sports bras, work out clothes, handbags, blenders, diabetic medication, doggy door, doggy door screws, and dozens of other items put away in our apartment.  I found more stuff this week! 
There is defiantly an adjustment period with anything new and we are figuring each other out.  She has been making dinner a few times a week and has taught Matt how to make Kung Pao Chicken.  Next is dumplings or at least that what I hope he learns next.
Our apartment is very clean and to be honest I am a little worried about our relationship when we no longer have full time help.  I have no idea how to start the washing machine for instance.  I haven’t washed a dish since we have been back here.  I know what you are thinking… I don’t have real problems.  Maybe not, but do you see how this could BECOME a problem when we don’t have Xiao Ma around?  Now you understand.  In the meantime, I will enjoy my first world problem and stop complaining about our full time maid.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


This week we sent Xiao Ma to Ikea, Ikea is not my favorite place to go as it is the one of the only places you can go in the city that feels like you are in a city of 24 million people.  Thank God for Xiao Ma!

Here is a good article about Ikea in China;

Last Names

These are the last names of my grade 11 students.  I think you would be shocked to have a class of last names like this if you were teaching in Stratton or Topeka.

AKKARAT      ANDERSSON      CARAMASCHI      CHANG      CHOI      CHU      HOANG      HSU      KORHONEN      LAM      MA      MATTHEWS      MIURA      PARK      PARK      PARK      SHAN      SZE      TSAI      YANG      YEH      ZHU

No Smiths or Jones....and I didn't mistakenly write Park 3 times.  There are three Parks.  Its a super popular Korean name.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


So Matt mentions to me that he 'just forgot to eat lunch' one day this week.  I stared at him blankly for a few seconds feeling like I can no longer relate to this man.  "Are you kidding?" I asked.  "No", he said and started to tell me about how busy he was.  I tried to imagine for a moment the last time I 'forgot' to eat.  When I get hungry which is almost all of the time these days it is all consuming.  It goes from hungry to nausea quickly but before that, my brain gets involved and I can't carry on adult conversations.  I make grunting noises and have no ability to engage in interactions with anyone else, if someone is not providing me with food they are deemed useless and I cannot generate my usual pleasantries.  If it gets really bad I will physically redirect anyone that is in my way.  So, if I 'forgot' to eat a meal someone would have kindly reminded me.  

I am excited to relate to the non-pregnant population again someday soon. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back from Summer 2013

     Bri and I have been back from summer for about three weeks now.  The heat of Shanghai in August is starting to pass.  When we arrived near the beginning of August we were regularly having heat indexes around 115F.  A couple mornings I'd go for a run to help with jet lag around 5am and come back soaked due to the 90 degree temps and 90 percent humidity.  Last night when I checked the weather our next days was scattered between upper eighties and low nineties.  This seems completely bearable when compared to the recent extremes.

    Settling in this August was easier than ever.  With established friendships personally and continuity professionally we both have been able ease back into a routine.  That said, we have big changes coming soon.  Most of our free time now is spent discussing and planning the job application process which will pick up steam in October and November or more likely discussing the arrival of our little boy in October.  It is a bit of unknown feeling for both of us.  In some aspects our life has roots and continuity where other aspects of our life are completely unknown right now.  Its an exciting place to be.

     In regards to the baby all is well.  A recent doctor appointment showed everything seeming normal.  Bri was happy when the doctor confirmed via ultrasound that he was in the position she had predicted using clues from bumps and kicks.  A funny moment occurred when Bri asked the doctor if it was still a boy.  Dr. Xu looked up with her always serious look and said, "Last time we told you it was a boy?".  Bri and I both felt our stomachs drop before Dr. Xu clarified that they couldn't see the gender today due to the positioning.  She laughed at our reactions and reassured us if they saw it with a good view last time that it would be a shock to her as well if it changed.

Soon we'll be updating the blog with a April vacation that we haven't shared yet, more of the usual life in Shanghai and when the time comes, baby updates.  Thanks to those of you who read faithfully and those of you that check in from time to time.  It is rewarding to hear people at home ask for more updates and share stories with us regarding the blog.  We'll work to keep it up in year three.

Friday, May 3, 2013

China Trip with Grade 6

Next week each class from grades 6-11 go on a weeklong trip somewhere in China.  I am a 6th grade sponsor and this being their first year going, they are anxious about what to expect.  During the meeting yesterday they were able to get some clarification, here are three questions that I thought you would find amusing. 

1.     How many stars is the hotel that we are staying at?
2.     Where can I charge my iPhone when we are camping?
3.     Do I need to bring my night-vision goggles?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Only in China

A couple of pictures that our friends took that we thought you would enjoy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Say what?

We're often amazed at the misinterpretations we see printed. Native speaking english speakers must charge a pretty penny to do translations. As you can see, cheaper second language translators can make big, entertaining mistakes. I can only assume this means, "Don't litter".

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cooking Class in Ubud

At home everyone probably works with one or two travelers.  When you're heading somewhere thats a little off the beaten path, this person has always been there or at least in the same region and can offer some advice.  Imagine working in a community where everyone is a world traveler and has advice when you are planning a trip.  This is our school community.  Most of the teachers aren't here to learn chinese, they're here for the experience of living in another culture and for the travel opportunities that the job allows.  Also, we all like to share these experiences so you can learn some do's and don'ts in regards to your next place of travel.  A coworker of mine recommended this cooking class in Bali.  I knew it wasn't just a typical place when she said that she'd returned to the same class on two separate visits to the Bali.  Bri, Brooke, Tyler and I decided this was a place to visit during one of our days in Ubud and we were not disappointed.  I think the best way to share this day is using pictures alone.
Balinese families live in small, walled compounds.  One of the fun parts of the class is that we were in the families home for the day.  This is the extravagant main gate for the family compound.
This photo is from the open dining area across the back yard into the kitchen preparation area.

This was our view over the short backyard wall for the morning and afternoon.  You could see various fruits hanging from the trees.

When we arrived all of the ingredients were laid out beautifully.  There was still more prep work to do however.

The fire pit area of the kitchen.
Here they are boiling fresh coconut water until there is only coconut oil remaining.  Then we used the coconut oil later for stir frying. 
This mortar and pestle are used to make the yellow paste that was used in a lot of the dishes.  There was about 17 ingredients in the paste.

Tyler is making the peanut sauce that was mixed with vegetables to make gado gado.   
Following orders like we're in my Granny's kitchen.

Carefully observing our feast being cooked.

Tyler and I are making a hot and sour mushroom soup.

Tyler and Brooke putting on a nice show for the camera.  I however remember that Tyler had just said something stupid and was getting the stink eye from Brooke as we awaited our first course.

Preparing the tuna to be steamed in banana leaves.

Ready to put in the banana leaf.

One of the helpers cooks our minced coconut curried chicken on bamboo sticks over charcoal.

Brooke and Bri taking a break...again.

Gado gado and curry chicken amongst other things.

Ready to feast with our new acquaintances. 

 I'm so hungry after writing this blog....  check this place out when you visit Ubud.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Coming in October…Kastner party of three!


We found out Bri was pregnant in Bali which made our trip even more exciting.  Our news and our current living situation have led people to ask many questions.  We would like to address a few, let us know if you have others.

1.     Does that mean you are moving home?

2.     You are having your baby in China?
That is the plan.  So if everything goes as planned, yes.

3.     Does this make you nervous?
Of course, but we’d be nervous to have a kid in the U.S. even at a great hospital.  Having a child is a pretty big commitment.  What if we don’t like the kid and we’re still stuck with it for 18 years?

4.     How is the medical care?
Shanghai has a diverse range of medical care.  The top hospitals are staffed with western trained doctors, English speaking nurses and all the technology you would expect to see in an American hospital.

5.     Do you still get to come home for the summer?
Fortunately, yes! The flight home at the beginning of August may not be comfortable for Bri and baby but we will be making the trip from mid-June to the first week in August.

6.     What are you going to do about baby gifts?
Sell them on ebay and pocket the cash.  Kidding, but those do pose a problem.

7.     Who is the father?
We don’t know yet.  Bri says it is mine.  I say we’ll see how cute it is first.

8.     Will your baby have Chinese citizenship?
No, babies born in China are not granted citizenship unless one of their parents is a Chinese national.  It is unlikely Bri and I will be applying for Chinese citizenship soon as we don’t meet the necessary requirements and we both still bleed red, white and blue.  Mostly white and blue though now since it is baseball season.

9.     Are your parents coming out?
At some point, yes we expect to see some grandparents in China flocking to hover over the breathing barf chamber.  We hope they come bearing foreign foods we’re craving and not toys we’ll have to take to our next home.  There are plenty of toys in China for the little one and nowadays they even cut out most of the lead paint.

10. Are you still going to work?
Bri will get 8 weeks off which gets her through Christmas break.  Then she plans to go back to work.  Luckily, since we live so close to home we’ll get to see the baby at lunch and if needed for little snippets of the day.  We'll have an ayi at home to care for the baby when Bri returns to work.

11. Are you going to find out the gender?
Yes.  We're planners!  

12. How is Bri feeling?
She had a rough first trimester.  Between the nausea, dry heaving and case of food poisoning that put her in the hospital she’s maintained a slightly less than positive demeanor.  She is happy however with the figure produced by a low caloric intake (due to nausea), involuntary daily abdominal contractions (due to heaving) and swelling mammary glands (due to hormones).

13. Will you come home after next year?
We don’t know what we will do after next school year.  We plan to apply to positions overseas and see what we are offered.  If something is appealing we will take it and if not we will point our compass towards the states and starting looking for jobs.  Those decisions won’t be made until at least November next year and as late as… I’m not sure….it could be pretty late.  So as usual we should have a lot of exciting times in the next year.  

Thanks for all of your positive vibes.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Something Worth Celebrating

I'm celebrating having one of the world's best jobs this week.  As teachers, we all go through peaks and valleys throughout the school year.  After sitting in a couple of career day sessions I was reminded of why I love teaching.  

It humors me to hear how many of my students want to be engineers, but lack the vision to know what a typical engineer really does on a daily basis.  Instead they live in the fantasy that an engineer works when he wants, follows his passions all the time and his ideas always result in million dollar profits.  I decided to visit the engineering presentation at career day to see if I had missed out on what I was meant to do in life.  Maybe the kids knew something I didn't… it's happened before.  Listening to an engineer talk about the pride he felt watching the completion of a challenging construction project made me reflect on the feeling I get when I hear a student say, "ahh" when they truly understand or the way their face lights up when they have success at a challenging task after hours of hard work.  Having a usually ungracious adolescent say, "thanks for the last two years" or "I finally get it" is worth conversations with helicopter moms, extra hours spent grading to give proper feedback and planning effective lessons.  Every day we get to do the problem solving of an engineer, data analysis of a scientist and personal interaction of a counselor.  Our job is awesome, it just has an undervalued name which is why I'm changing my job title to youthful mind engineer.  I think it has a cool ring to it. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Meeting Ketut in Ubud, Bali

Just after graduating from college I picked up a copy of the book Eat, Pray, Love and it changed my life.  I know that many of you rolled your eyes reading that sentence because that book became such a huge seller and is now a cliché for women finding themselves.  I don’t care though, it was a great book for me at an unpredictable time in my life.  If I hadn’t read that book I seriously doubt that I would be living overseas right now, if ever.  I loved it.  I even convinced my book club in Flagler to read it. 

If you have never read the book you have missed a great read.  Elizabeth Gilbert writes beautifully and I have a complete writers crush on every thing she has written. I have a whole shelf in Colorado for her books.   Eat, Pray, Love is a memoir about a women who tries to find balance in her life by traveling through Italy (eat), India (pray) and Indonesia (love).  She speaks honestly about her insecurities, her self-doubt, her dreams and her journey.

When we were deciding if we should come to China I remember thinking that the only way I was willing to go is if I got to go to Bali, Indonesia on one of our breaks.  Well we did it!  I have special way of talking myself into things.

In the book Liz goes to see a medicine man by the name of Ketut Liyer.  He is a wise little old man that gives her advice about life and also reads her palm.  I don’t buy into all of that hubbub but I was fully intrigued by the process and I thought that it would be fun to try and see Ketut while we were in Bali if he was still alive.  It just so happened that the villa we stayed in was down the street from Ketut’s house.  I am not exaggerating here, I mean DOWN THE STREET.  It was meant to be.

Because the book had impacted me so much Matt read it after me several years ago, and then Tyler read it.  Brooke had instructions to read it but she ‘forgot’ it in Sterling, Colorado so she had to watch the movie instead.  Everyone on our trip knew who Ketut was and although no one was quite as excited as me, they at least understood my excitement. 

On our first day in Bali we set out to go explore Ubud.  I talked with the lady at our villa about setting up an appointment with Ketut.  She giggled at me and told us to just stop by his house on our way.  In one of our guidebooks it gave instructions about how we should be dressed, how to present money to medicine men and it basically discouraged tourists from going to see the Balinese medicine men because it took away from the locals that are really sick.  Feeling a bit let down by that information and thinking that we needed to be in proper dress my plan was to just swing by to make an appointment if one was available and then leave. 

When we saw the sign I was just glad we had found the place.  I was imagining Elizabeth Gilbert on her bike following the same path as us.  While Matt, Tyler and Brooke stayed on the street, feeling under dressed, I stepped into the entrance of Ketut’s home.  I expected to see someone taking names like a hostess in a restaurant and instead I saw Ketut.  He smiled, showing the few teeth he had left and I felt like I was seeing a celebrity.   He motioned past me for the others to come in.  “I need my coffee” he said “please wait”.  “Sure!” I said.  I was willing to wait all day.  We were the only people there to see Ketut.  The other people wandering around the garden were Ketut’s family.  A woman put out the daily flower offerings and lit incense around the compound as we waited.  There was a small Eat, Pray, Love movie poster hanging behind us. 

About fifteen minutes later Ketut emerged from one of the small buildings and I joined him sitting cross-legged on a porch.  These are the bits of information that he shared after analyzing my face, hands, arms, back, knees and feet.

-I am very beautiful.

-He is very lucky to meet me.

-I am going to live to be 100.

-No matter what I should never lose my husband, he is very good for me.  (He repeated this at least 6 times and he said the same thing to Matt.)

-I will have two children…. soon.

-My blood is good.

-I have strong bones.

Among other things, he told Matt that he is very smart and people should listen to him (including me).  He told Tyler he will get married if he wants to.  He told Brooke to drive carefully because she will die in a crash when she is 100.  It was a very memorable experience and as overdone as it may be, I am very glad that I did it.  Ketut was on my bucket list and I am overjoyed to have had the opportunity to cross that one off. 
Tyler learning how long he'll live and whether he'll be wealthy.

Ketut had the classic grandpa joke, " Did I break the camera?". 

Everyone ready to head our after learning we'll all live to be a hundred or more.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beijing Part 2 "The Wall"

Our second day in Beijing we visited the Great Wall.  The area of the wall we visited was about an hour north of Beijing.  We were quite happy with our experience.  Travelers can get very different experiences visiting the Great Wall.  It depends on which section you visit or whether you go trekking along it somewhere off the beaten path.  At times, like most tourist destinations in China, the sheer amount of people can spoil the experience.   Much of the wall that is accessible to tourism has been rebuilt in the last 30-60 years and is under constant repair in those rebuilt sections in order to keep people safe when walking on it.  They say that the repairs last a fraction of the time that the original wall did.

Where we visited, the rebuilt section was about two miles long.  We were able to walk along the wall to the edge of the rebuilt section and then continue along to a tower that has crumbled.   It was nice to see both aspects.  Here were some of my observations:

- The wall was taller than I thought.

- Built initially to prevent attacks from the Mongolians the wall was most valuable as a means of transportation and communication.  It acted like an early highway for transport.  The watch towers would use smoke and fire signals to pass messages regarding any movement by the enemy.

-The wall is far from a single long wall.  There were a lot more branches than I realized.  In the section we visited the wall would branch off along jointed ridges and run for a mile before ending.  This may have been to improve the line of sight but I'm not sure.

-The wall was really steep in sections.  I really pity any creature that had to be the workforce for that highway transport system that I mentioned earlier.

We were lucky to have sunny skies despite the blistering cold.

Bri's watching her step on fallen watch tower rubble.

Brooke and Bri took pictures of each other while taking a break to catch our breath before climbing a steep section.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Words of Wisdom from Ayi

A few weeks ago I misplaced my wedding ring.  Its a long story that is not worth telling but there were a few funny parts that went along with the story.  Bri thought it would be a good idea to tell our ayi that the ring was lost.  This way she could keep an eye out for it when vacuuming and doing laundry.  Somehow this was lost in translation and ayi was very confused.  At first she acted as if she had been accused by the translator on the phone.  The translator stated that she had not accused, only informed her and asked her to be looking for it around the apartment.  After trying to clarify ourselves through the translator Bri and I left for dinner. Upon returning we found an entertaining and helpful letter from ayi.  Here is the translation by one of our friend's who teaches Chinese:

Your ring is missing.  You said the ring was missing last Tuesday.  Due to holiday I was not working all last week and you were on vacation so I think you lost the ring outside of the house or inside the house.  Either way, I think only Jesus knows.

You should remember to put valuables in their proper place

God Bless You
Ms Yu

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Beijing Part 1 "The duck"

About a month ago we travelled to Beijing with Bri's cousin Brooke.  It was a nice three day weekend.  Just about the right amount of a time for a visit to the capital city.  We had time to visit Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, eat some Peking Duck and spend time at the Great Wall.  Here's some of the pictures from the first day of our trip.

We started the day on Tiananmen Square which is the largest public square in the world.  Its always fun to visit a place that is so historic.  It was freezing cold and windy that day but it was sunny.  We were so thankful for the blue skies as Beijing has notoriously "foggy" air.  At least that is how it was explained to us the second day by our tour guide.  Luckily when we entered the Forbidden City we were much more sheltered from the wind.  It wasn't near as cold thanks to the sun beaming down on us.

The Forbidden City was really neat.  It was hard to process a lot of the facts regarding its history.  They say over a million people helped build it.  It was held for nearly 500 years as the home of the emperor and center of the Chinese government.  I just couldn't get it through my head that the Forbidden city had been held as the capital for twice as long at our country has been established.  We spent a few hours hitting the highlights and wandering through one of the side sections where the emperor would keep his concubines.  The audio tour I purchased was informative and interesting to a history buff.
I'm wandering the narrow alleys between the hall of wisdom, hall of virtue, hall of honesty etc.  This is where the wives and concubines resided.  

One of the ceremonial halls of the emperor.  These were constantly threatened by fire due to the wood construction and fireworks and lantern festivals.

This is the massive public square inside the Forbidden City.  Here the emperor would great the military or host grand feasts.

The chinese tourists are known for their photographic extreme agility when it comes to capturing the perfect image.

After the Forbidden City it was time to warm up with some Peking Duck.  The famous fire roasted duck that is the most famous dish from Beijing.  We found ourselves a little hole in the wall with a good reputation.
Just a little hole in the wall place with a great reputation.

The cozy dining area in a covered courtyard.
The pit was wood fueled and the pole on the right was used to hang the ducks on hooks in the pit.  Then they'd move them around for even roasting.  Unfortunately we didn't catch them in action roasting any ducks.  They had just finished roasting ours when I took this picture.
The cook is carving our duck.
Brooke refused to leave without trying the restaurants second most famous dish.  The ducks feet in mustard sauce.  She tried one, I tried two, that was enough. 

Our feast, which was a package deal came with a whole duck and all sorts of sides.  Traditionally you eat the duck in the small "pancake/tortillas" wrapped with cucumber, green onion and a sauce.

That was our first day in Beijing.  The next day was the Great Wall.  More to follow.